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The Bird Deterrent Experts

 Bird Shield

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The Bird Deterrent Experts

 Bird Shield

Specialist Bird Control

With over 30 years of bird control experience in Australia, Europe, North America and The United Kingdom, there is no bird control project or location too remote that Bird Shield can not manage.

We cover the east coast of Australia from Melbourne to Sydney and Brisbane and anywhere and everywhere in between, we also can travel Nationwide. We have even carried out quite a few jobs in New Zealand.


Where there are birds in roof spaces and even covered areas there are insects. Ranging from bird lice, leas ticks etc to large cockroaches. Where there are cockroaches there are Spiders SO BEWARE. We have cleaned after first treating with the correct insecticide, on some jobs we have bagged thousands of Cockroaches and hundreds of Huntsman Spiders. Cockroaches eat the bird droppings and the Huntsman eat the Cockroaches, free food vicious circle – BIG INSECTS